Friday 5 June 2015

screen printing

Screen (frame + mesh)
Tub of Water
Waterproof Parcel Tape
News Print to cover table

  1. First I cover the table up with newsprint then I taped up around the edges of the screen.
  2. cover any patches on the other side with the tape.
  3. I then applied the printing medium to the top edge.
  4. I then took the squeegee and pulled it down the screen at a 45-degree angle.
  5. Then I took the paper and placed it onto a drying rack.
  6. Next once, I had finished I scooped up the rest of the ink and put it in the tub and the took the tape off and then took the tub of water and the sponge and cleaned it off.
Health and safety

  • Do not eat of drink around the area you are doing print or within the room.
  • Be careful with the printing medium not getting in mouth or eyes.
  • Make sure the area is well-ventilated.
  • PPE

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Typographic systems and typography


Typography is a visual representation of the spoken word, which enhances the visual experience with typeface and font.

A point is a small unit of measurement that is used in the printing industry.

There are six picas in an inch. Each pica contains 12 points. That means that there are 72 points in an inch.

Typographic systems
Typographic systems are and different grids that are followed like the grid system and a poster can be broken up in to different sections.

Typographic systems help with the pace that something is read at. Emphasis that Is put on to a certain part and the Tone and mood that the underlying manner of the writing both visually and how it is read is perceived i.e. happy, sad 

Sunday 29 March 2015

Presentation for artwork

Presenting artwork is important and there are many ways to present artwork.

Flat wall mount
Directly mounted onto the wall.
Window Mount
An image is put onto a white piece of card and then is mounted onto black card.

The piece is put onto a plinth which is dependent on how big the piece is.
The piece is created on site and is designed for a specific place.

I have chosen installation would be suitable for my proposed outcome because it will be on the floor because it will be big and the piece is 3D rather than flat.

3D ceramics and Other materials I used to make towers and health and safety notes


  • Clay
  • Sugar Paper
  • Rolling Pin
  • Clay Knife
  • Small Loop Tool
  • Rib and Scrapper
  • Modeling Tool
  • Cut-Off Wire
1. First I made a cuboid out of clay and then I started to shape the clay into a letter L
First attempt did not go to plan
2. I then made another cuboid, but then this time I left it till it was slight leather-hard.
3. Then I cut out the letter, but this time a different letter.
Better this time but still looked messy
4. I then made low relief clay tiles of the letters.
5.I then rolled out a slab and a folded it into an L shape.
6. and then I added a hole in the bottom and cut an angle

Health and Safety
  • A damp sloth needs to be used to wipe surfaces clean instead of using a dry cloth.
  • Never shake aprons or cloth and wash them regularly.
  • Work with clay in a well ventilated area.
  • Spillages of material should be cleaned up straight away, but vacuumed not washed or wiped.
Other materials I used to make towers and health and safety notes:
Metal work
wear gloves because when bending the metal there is sharp part so it can cut you.
See other older post

Wednesday 25 March 2015

3D Dissolvable Fabric

Dissolvable fabric is also called water soluble fabric that is able to dissolvable in water.


  • Dissolvable fabric
  • String
  • Embroidery Hoop
  • Sewing Machine
1. I threaded up the sewing machine and put the dissolvable fabric in the embroidery hoop.
2. Next I stitched into the dissolvable in a circular motion making sure that the thread cross over each other.
3. I then ran it underneath the tap to dissolve the fabric
4. I then took a maquette I had made earlier

5. Then I moulded the stitch around the Maquette.
6. Once dry I took it off the maquette and it kept it shape

Health and Safety
The health and safety for using the sewing machine is in an older post.(Also applies to felt building)
Be careful not to get the dissolvable stuff in mouth once it has dissolved.

Art Movements

Definition: Surrealism is a part of art and literature, which looks at creative potential like dreams and imaginations. 
Surrealism was rebelling against social and political and was connected the communist part.

The movement was stemmed from the dada movement.
The movement was founded in 1924 by Andre Breton in Paris and finished 1945 with his manifesto of surrealism.

There were 2 types of surrealism one was the early dream work by Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte and the other type was free form works by Max Ernst and Joan Miro.

Vladimir Kush is another a surrealism artist, who was inspired by Salvador Dali.
Art Nouveau
Definition: Art Nouveau is a style of art that focuses on design and architecture that uses curved lines and shapes that are derived from natural forms

The movement started in the 1890 and finished in the 1910. Alphonse Maria Mucha Is a contributor to the Art Nouveau style who is best know for his pieces featuring women surrounded by nature.

It was successful until world war one started.

Abstract Expressionism
Definition: Abstract Expressionism is an abstract style that focus on the expressive and emotional effects of a painting.

The movement started in the 1944 and was lead by Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko and finished in the 1960.

There are two main groupings of abstract expressionism one is the action painter led by Jackson Pollock who worked in a spontaneous manner using large brushes to make gestural marks. The second group is the colour field painters that focused on religion and myth. The were created with simple composition with large areas of a single colour which intended to produce a relaxed response in the viewer.
Modernism (Modern Art)
Definition: Modern art a term given to art and architecture which dominated western culture.
There where many art movement associated with modern art which include Impressionism, Cubism, Bauhaus, Surrealism, Futurism, Pop Art and Op Art.

It started in the 1860 and finished in the 1970 due to artists and movements that began to react against Modernism and so Post-Modernism was formed. Because modernism was made up of many movements there was no one artist that started modernism.

But one artist that is well known as a modernist artist is Vincent Van Gogh.

Definition: Dada is a variety of art which does not have a certain style. Powerfully influenced by futurist and expressionist concerns with technological involvements. Is a form of artistic anarchy, born out of disgust of social, political and cultural values of the time. It embraced elements of art, music, poetry, theatre, dance and politics. Dada ranges from painting, photography, poetry, sculpture and collage. Dada was created by painters, poets and film makers who moved to Switzerland during the war.

Dada started in 1916 in Switzerland and ended in 1924.

Man Ray played a major role in Dada and Surrealism movements in America as well as in Europe.

Thursday 5 March 2015


A diptych is a piece made up of two parts. They usually consist of the same mediums and have a theme of colour, shapes and images ect that link them together.


  • Cartridge Paper
  • Quink Ink
  • Wax
  • Bleach
  • Cotton Bud
  • Cocktail Stick
  • Fine Liner
  • Clay
  • Rolling Pin
  • Clay knife
  • Coloured Slip
  • Glaze
  • Transparent Glaze
Wax and Bleach
  1. First I took a piece of A4 paper and cut it in half.
  2. I then drew very faintly the image I was using and applied wax to certain areas.
  3. Next I went over with a wash of quink ink.
  4. With watered down bleach I then went over the lines the where still visible from the pencil and then went over some of the detail with a fine liner.
  1. First I rolled out a piece of clay and using the clay knife then cut a piece of clay that is the came size as half of a A4 piece of paper.
  2. Then using the clay knife I carved out the rest of the image I had used for the other half.
  3. I then made some parts stick out by attaching a piece of clay with slurry (scored both the surface I was going to apply the piece to and on the piece I was applying to the surface. Then put the slurry which is watery clay on the surface and joined the two pieces together.)
  4. I then smoothed down any rough and shape edges with a wet sponge.
  5. Then I added texture with a fork and metal with a hole in it and then applied coloured slip to the window and part of the building.
  6. It was then bisque fired.
  7. I then glazed certain area in different glazes and applied wax and then added a transparent glaze.
  8. It was again fired.

Health and safety
  • When using the clay knife be careful.
  • Do not touch the bleach as it is an irritant.
  • use the bleach in a well-ventilated area.