Wednesday 12 November 2014

Altered Book

An altered book is an old book that has been altered by using mixed media it changes the book.

Equipment & material
  • An old book
  • Glue
  • Pegs
  • Craft knife
  • Drawing equipment: pen, pencil, ink
  • Water colours
  • Acrylic
  • String
1. First using a dictionary I drew some samples to go into my by final altered book.
2. Next Glue the pages together where the niche is going to be cut out making sure that cling film covers over the parts that is not being glued.

3. I then glued the pages together that I was going to use, like to draw on.
4. Next I cut out the niche.

5. I then glued the niche.

6. Using the image I originally drew on the dictionary I then glued it in to my book.

7. Then I decided to draw something to go with the theme of my book which is manmade and nature.

8. Then ripped up to of the pages and slotted tags between them decorating them first. I then added bird silhouette.

9. Then I added a pop up rose.

10. I noticed that were I had put the tags the other side had nothing on it. So I drew a a cog silhouette to match the silhouette of the birds and the man made theme.

11. Next I took a butterfly that is raised for embossing card and used it to make frottage butterflies, but I also used it as a template to create a stencil. and added water colour

12. With the butterflies I had previously cut out and used them to create a piece based on Sue Blackwell.

13. Using two more illustrations I again put them in my book, but this time I also added text.

14. Next I got some plastic and slotted another butterfly in-between the plastic. Then slotted it between the pages of the book so it can bee scene through the niche. I also added a picture of a frog behind.

Health and Safety
  • Keep fingers out of the way when using a craft knife.
  • Need to a cutting mat to protect surfaces.
  • Be careful when using a heat gun.
  • be careful to not get glue and paint on clothes and surfaces.
The most difficult part was putting in the plastic in between the niche, because I wanted it to look really neat. To solve the problem I cut the niche and once the piece of plastic was inserted I glued it back together. Another technical problem I had was making the butterflies stand up I finally worked out that heating up the plastic then holding them in position until they cooled down that I could get them to stand up. The pages I'm most pleased with are the bird and cog silhouettes especially the contrasts of the black against the lighter page and the way the birds move across the pages. For the cogs I like the fact that the cogs stay within the text on the pages and then to add texture I also added string. Also by adding the string it joins the pages together visually.

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