Wednesday 12 November 2014

Jonathan Yao Response

  1. First I picked an image of a famous person I like (Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark from Iron Man.) Then using the grid method on a the photograph I drew out the image. I did use a grid I then rubber it out even though Jonathan Yeo leaves the grid and incorporates it in to his painting.
  2. I then redrew it on to a canvas that I had prepared by gluing fabric onto a piece of card board then I painted it white. To redraw the image I used an over head projector (OHP) to enlarge the image.
  3. As I wanted to paint the image in black and white i took a picture with my phone changing the filter to black and white. Then made it to look like Jonathan Yao's works
Jonathan Yao
Jonathan Yeo is a British portraiture artist that deals with paint to create his portraits. He paint iconic figures Nicole Kidman and Damien Hirst are some of the famous people he has painted.
This image was the image I used to create my piece.
Portrait Study (Dennis Hopper) 2005

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