Wednesday 12 November 2014

Low Relief Clay Tiles & 3D ceramic

Low Relief clay tiles
A low relief clay tile is a tile that is not a 3D form but has been carved on to.

Equipment and material

  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Clay
  • Rolling pin
  • Fork
  • Carving knife
  • Coloured slip
  • Glaze

1. First I made a collage to use as a basis for my low relief clay tile.

2. I then rolled a slab and used the collage as a template carving in to the slab then adding pattern.

3. Next I cut them into three separate sections so that when arranged into a different order as it would give a different result.

4. I also applied a decorating slip that has added colour.Then it was bisque fired.

3D clay ceramics
3D clay ceramics can be a bowl or mug that has added carvings, but it can also have no purpose and just be an ornament.

  • Clay
  • Rolling pin
  • Fork
  • Carving knife
  • Coloured slurry
  • Glaze


1. I rolled out the clay till even thickness then used the jigsaw as a template to cut out the shapes.
2. Once the clay has become leather-hard I then arranged them.

3. I added blue coloured slip.
4. It was then bisque fired. Then I added under-glaze.

5. Glaze was then added and glass.

6. It was then fired.

Health & safety
  • Keep the area clean and dust free, as it can cause long term problems.
  • Be careful when using glass and use a piece of paper underneath to the put the leftover glass back.

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