Thursday 5 March 2015

Taking a raw photo and changing it in photoshop

A raw image is a file format that records all the data that is captured by the sensor when a photo is taken. Unlike a JPEG, most of the image is not compressed with mean no loss of data which results in a higher quality image. Also, the image can be corrected without further damage that would result in pixelation of the image, which happens to JPEG images.

  1. I first went out and took some images of the surrounding area. I took them from different view point like on the ground, in reflection and looking down.
  2. I then choose the image I felt was the best one and open it up in photoshop and changed the exposure, contrast, highlight, shadows, whites and blacks. I also changed the clarity, vibrance and saturation.
  3. I then added vignetting around the image.

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